Wednesday, November 9, 2011

"I knew but I would not know"

In Alma 10, Amulek says, "I never have known much of the ways of the Lord, and his mysteries and marvelous power. I said I never had known much of these things; but behold, I mistake, for I have seen much of his mysteries and his marvelous power...Nevertheless, I did harden my heart, for I was called many times and I would not hear; therefore I knew concerning these things, yet I would not know; therefore I went on rebelling against God." (v 5-6)

That's the way of things.  It seems impossible to me to not know that God exists.  Anyone can see evidence of this every day in the beauty, variety, and perfection of the earth.  Was it just random chance that Earth is the perfect distance from the Sun to sustain life?  That if we were closer or further away by even a tiny degree, life as we know it would not exist.  Or was that more than dumb luck?

It just seems completely unreasonable to reach any other conclusion.  Theories that life randomly evolved here are just to incredible and unlikely for any rational person to accept.  What are the odds?  What are the chances that a planet would be just so close to its Sun, that protiens would all be so formed and appear together to spontaneously create life where none existed before, that that life would keep mutating until it forms creatures of our intelligence?

"To get a cell by chance would require at least one hundred functional proteins to appear simultaneously in one place. That is one hundred simultaneous events each of an independent probability which could hardly be more than 10-20 giving maximum combined probability of 10(-2000.)" [Denten, Michael. Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, Warwickshire, Burnett Books Limited, 1985]

If the chances of random and spontaneous creation of life has odds of even 1 in 1 billion, the odds of something else are a practical certainty.  I'm not a betting man, but if I were, I'd bet on something other than random chance.  I think that's what Amulek meant when he said he knew but he would not know.  Any reasonable person would have to look at the available evidence and conclude that at the very least, something with a higher power is planning something for the universe.

Yet, some just will not know.

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