Tuesday, January 24, 2012

"What desirest thou?"

This week in church the Sunday School lesson was on Nephi's vision and explanation of his father's vision of the Tree of Life.  In 1 Nephi 11, as Nephi is praying, he is "caught away in the Spirit of the Lord, yea, into an exceedingly high mountain." Upon arriving at the top, the Spirit asks, "What desirest thou?"

 Nephi's answer was to see the things his father had seen. If I got that question, I could think of lots of things I'd desire. That changes from moment to moment, but very few of them rise to the level of appropriate for the situation. Some seem greedy and ungrateful (a wife and family), and some seem inconsistent with the Plan (to never sin again).

Then during the Sacrament I listened carefully to the prayers (the guy who said them today had a great voice, and recited them very well).  I think the thing I want the most is what I already have--that I may always have the Spirit to be with me.

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