Monday, December 19, 2011

Not that team

Satan is the captain of his team.  His team is powerful, and they win a lot.  (I was about to make a joke about the Yankees, here, but I'll forbear.)  Helaman 6 describes the adversary as "that being" who did the following:

  • Entice Adam and Eve to take the forbidden fruit (v 26)
  • Plot with Cain to kill his brother (v 27)
  • Plot with Gadianton to carry on the works of secret murder (v 29)
  • Is the author of all sin (v 30)
I look at that list, and other evils not on the list, and I'm sure I don't want to be on his team.  But the Nephites of Helaman 6 were on his team, were "building up and supporting" the earthly captains of it.

My prayer for myself is that I always recognize that when the Spirit withdraws from me because of my own actions, I'm building up and supporting my adversary.  If I recognize that my sins empower my greatest enemy, one who seeks my total destruction, then sin in stupid.

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