Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Promptings or random thoughts

I hadn't realized it has been so long since I've posted.  It's because of baseball.  I announce for a minor league team, and since their season started a few weeks ago I've been working most Sundays with them and many other nights.  That and a social life has kept me away during my regular writing times.

Also, I've been reading the books of Chronicles in the Old Testament, which is a lot of repeated information from the books of Samuel and Kings, and hasn't struck me with things that I've felt to write, except for what I wrote the first time I read them, in the previous books.

So, today I'm thinking about prayers and promptings.  I've spent a lot of time praying for understanding and knowledge about what to do and say in several situations, including work, romance, missionary efforts, and family.

I'm trying to take the advice of my wonderful Stake President.  When I asked him how he could always feel so confident that the Spirit was prompting him what to say, he replied, "I try to live so that I have the companionship of the Spirit, and then I assume every thought I have the Spirit put there."

Further, he says sometimes he's wrong, but when that happens the Spirit stops him pretty strongly. So, that's where I'm going, just assuming that there's no need to try and differentiate between my own thoughts and spiritual promptings.  Just assume they are all guidance and I'll get stopped if I'm wrong.

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